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Do., 17. Apr.
Rossini Fagottkonzert (St. Gallen)
Tonhalle St. Gallen
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17. Apr. 2025, 19:30
Tonhalle St. Gallen, Museumstrasse 25, 9000 St. Gallen, Schweiz
Valeria Curti performs the Rossini bassoon concerto together with the Swiss Youth Orchestra and Johannes Schlaefli all around Switzerland
Do., 01. Mai
Rossini Fagottkonzert (Zürich)
Tonhalle Zürich
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01. Mai 2025, 11:00
Tonhalle Zürich, Claridenstrasse 7, 8002 Zürich, Schweiz
Valeria Curti performs the Rossini bassoon concerto together with the Swiss Youth Orchestra and Johannes Schlaefli all around Switzerland
Fr., 02. Mai
Rossini Fagottkonzert (Bern)
Casino Bern
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02. Mai 2025, 19:30
Casino Bern, Casinopl. 1, 3011 Bern, Schweiz
Valeria Curti performs the Rossini bassoon concerto together with the Swiss Youth Orchestra and Johannes Schlaefli all around Switzerland
Fr., 09. Mai
Rossini Fagottkonzert (Schaffhausen)
Reformierte Kirche St. Johann
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09. Mai 2025, 19:30
Reformierte Kirche St. Johann, Kirchhofpl. 7, 8200 Schaffhausen, Schweiz
Valeria Curti performs the Rossini bassoon concerto together with the Swiss Youth Orchestra and Johannes Schlaefli all around Switzerland
So., 11. Mai
Rossini Fagottkonzert (Basel)
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11. Mai 2025, 16:00
Basel, Basel, Schweiz
Valeria Curti performs the Rossini bassoon concerto together with the Swiss Youth Orchestra and Johannes Schlaefli all around Switzerland
Mi., 28. Mai
Vanhal: double concerto for two bassoons
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28. Mai 2025, 19:30 – 22:00
Winterthur, Stadthaus, Stadthausstrasse 4a, 8400 Winterthur, Schweiz
Valeria Curti performs with her colleague Sevgi Varol and the Musikkollegium Winterthur Vanhals Double Concerto for two bassoons.
Fr., 06. Juni
Villa Lobos: Ciranda das Sete Notas
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06. Juni 2025, 19:30 – 22:00
Winterthur, Stadthaus, Stadthausstrasse 4a, 8400 Winterthur, Schweiz
Valeria Curti performs Ciranda das Sete Notas for bassoon and strings with Musikkollegium Winterthur
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